Hermance Associates offers mental health and substance use crisis intervention trainings, consulting services and immediate evaluations to help police departments, law firms, hospitals, universities, and private companies prepare for and prevent behavioral health crises. 

Hermance Associates understands that an individual in a crisis, particularly a mental health crisis, poses a threat to themselves, others and even the professionals trying to help. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive, on-site trainings and emergency evaluations that will prevent a combative or dangerous situation from escalating out of control.  

We work with groups and organizations of any size to tailor a training program for the needs of your group which offers trainings in one hour, two hour or three hour training sessions.

If you know someone who is experiencing a mental health or substance use emergency, we can provide consulting services over the phone or an on-site evaluation. We will assess the acuity of the situation and provide recommendations, treatment referrals and assist with hospitalization if necessary.  For additional information about our services, please contact Hermance Associates directly.

Hermance Associates looks forward to bringing their experience in behavioral health education and intervention to the broader Rhode Island and Massachusetts communities.