Health Care Providers

“Travis Hermance is professional, calm and knowledgeable. He is a very experienced clinician and aware of federal safety standards and oriented to policies and procedures.” Program Director at Butler Hospital.

Clients walking into a primary care health center or an emergency room for physical ailments may also be experiencing mental health symptoms. How do you get clients timely help with mental health and substance use? This issue is further complicated when your staff may be at their capacity. Often, experienced health care providers are frustrated by the delay between a client’s behavioral health crisis point and their receiving a proper diagnosis, treatment plan, or wraparound services. 

Hermance Associates has over twenty years of experience working with health care providers in and out of emergency rooms to help assess behavioral health risks and develop successful wellness plans for clients who need wraparound services in real time.

“Travis was professional, conscientious and competent.”Director of Social Services at a Rhode Island hospital.

According to a recent article, “Treating mental health illnesses in primary care settings may become more effective on a nationwide basis if primary care physicians opt to bring behavioral health specialists into the screening, assessment and treatment planning process. With a behavioral health specialist on the team, the physician may prescribe fewer psychotropic medications and instead create a blended treatment plan that incorporates therapy and medication.“

Hermance Associates is dedicated to providing evidence-based training and real time support to health care providers. Our crisis intervention education can help your staff with risk assessment for clients, de-escalation skills, and provide referrals to other appropriate services to cut down on office wait time. Trainings also increase safety and well being for clients and staff. We can cater our education to meet your time frame, gap map staff training topics, or provide a basic overview of common behavioral health concerns and conditions. We offer one, two or three hour sessions to suit your needs.

“Travis collaborated effectively with medical providers on crisis interventions with patients.” - Behavioral Health Director at a primary care health center

Read Travis’ September 16th, 2016 Providence Journal article about Mental Health Care in Emergencies

For more information about our training or per diem services click here.