Law Enforcement

Together with Mr. Hermance, we have been able to successfully stabilize many psychiatrically impaired and substance addicted offenders . . . ” - Rhode Island Adult Probation Officer

Hermance Associates offers an array of educational services that include Crisis Intervention Training and access to psychiatric evaluation assessments for law enforcement agencies in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.  Crisis Intervention Training can be provided to small or large groups in one-hour, two-hour and three-hour sessions.  

Because Law Enforcement officers are often the first responders when an individual is having a mental health or substance use crisis, it’s important they are prepared.  Our sessions provide a broad overview of a variety of behavioral health issues and how to identify, assess and get help for individuals in crisis.

“We’ve gotten great feedback about your work with clients. Let’s keep exploring ways to deepen our collaboration.” - The Institute for the Study & Practice of Nonviolence

Travis Hermance has provided his expert advice and coordination of treatment to various police departments, completing numerous home-based and office based psychiatric crisis interventions.  These clients have severe mental health symptoms ranging from threats of suicide/self harm to clients experiencing psychosis and delusions to deliver best outcomes for offenders living with mental illness. 

“You are accessible to the community and willing to meet people where they are at.” Victim Services Advocate, Rhode Island Office of the Attorney General

When emergency psychiatric or substance use evaluations are needed, we can provide real time assistance and use these evaluations as small group training sessions in assessments and de-escalation skills. 

The need for such training is growing. Crisis Intervention Training has reduced the occurrences of officer injuries in the line of duty. The practice has been an effective tool in creating and maintaining community safety.  And it has reduced costs associated with jailing individuals with mental health and substance use issues.

The arrest rate for individuals with mental health illnesses is roughly four times higher than the arrest rate for those in the general population even though many of those arrests are for relatively minor crimes. Once in the criminal justice system, the cost to care for inmates with mental health or substance issues is twice as much as for other inmates. Working with Hermance Associates can improve outcomes for law enforcement officers and offer help to offenders to stop the “revolving door” between the emergency departments and criminal justice system.

To read more about Travis’ work with a local probation officer in “Jim’s Story” click here.


  • Crisis Intervention

  • Overview of Mental Health

  • Substance Use Interventions

  • Verbal De-escalation Techniques

  • Managing Difficult Behaviors

  • Scenario-based Training and Role playing

  • Question and Answer Session


  • Offered on-site and in real time

  • Evaluations can be used for small group learning experiences

Travis Hermance is an independent Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Rhode Island and Massachusetts with 20 years of experience in sexual abuse, trauma, domestic violence, crisis intervention and counseling in mental health and substance use.  His experience in crisis intervention, suicide and homicide risk assessment and critical incident stress debriefing includes work with Rhode Island Hospital, The Providence Center, Brown University, and Boston Children’s Hospital. 

He has provided trainings to the Providence Police Department, Rhode Island Adult Probation and Parole, Rhode Island National Guard,  premier Rhode Island law firms, the Rhode Island Bar Association and Lifespan.

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